{Dr. Oz 3 Day Detox} Day 1 Recap

Tuesday night I was pumped to start this detox. I had a great two days of delicious meals but, I was ready to hit that refresh button. I felt a renewed sense of energy and hope. I had gathered all my ingredients the day before so I was ready.

Knowing that I like to take my time in the morning and I don’t have access to a blender at work, I made the logical decision to make my day smoothies for Wednesday on Tuesday night. I gathered my ingredients and started blending in my brand new Ninja blender. I made two of the breakfast drinks (one for breakfast and one for snack) and my lunch drink. The breakfast drink looked great the lunch drink looked a little strange and it made a lot but, on a quick taste it seemed fine. (Tip; The quart containers that you get Chinese food in are perfect for storing the smoothies.)

Fast forward to Wednesday morning at 7am. I pack up all my stuff including my vitamins, supplements and my packet of green tea and head off to work. As soon as I arrive, I made my green tea. I used Tazo green tea because it’s my favorite and mixed in my probiotic (I’m using the Centrum ProNutrients Probiotic which is a powder). I had packed to think lemon slices to add to my tea as directed but, I do not like sweetener in my tea so I skipped the Stevia. I love starting my day with tea so I was totally on board. This is just like my normal day, I thought. I was pumped. I even told my co-worker how excited I was about it.

After my tea, I started on my breakfast drink. It tasted great! The raspberries really blended with the almond butter and you couldn’t taste the spinach at all. This was similar to my experience with green smoothies before. I finished the smoothie in no time. It’s pretty dense so I felt full and was satisfied. I always drink a lot of water (about 1.5L per day) and I found myself drinking it faster than normal. I contribute that to a mental thing…knowing that I’m being healthier so, I’m drinking more.

3 Day Detox Lunch Smoothie

I usually don’t eat my lunch until 1pm because I’m busy and I don’t really get hungry until that time. Today was no different. So, at 1pm I went and extracted my lunch smoothie from the fridge. It still looked a little weird to me and being that I despise celery, I was skeptical but, hopeful. The taste wasn’t bad at all. I could really taste the coconut and lime and a hint of the pineapple. I really couldn’t taste the celery but, the cucumber was very pronounced. I’ve always considered cucumber a neutral flavor but, not in this smoothie. The texture is what really threw me off and made it unpleasant. It’s hard to explain but, it was think and kind of like drinking the pulp of orange juice. I tried drinking some really fast…bad idea. Then I tried thinning it out with water….better idea but, still not totally effective. Two hours later, I was 2/3 of the way through of almost a quart of juice and struggling. The texture was making me gag a little and the taste wasn’t getting any better. Around 3:30 I took a sip and almost immediately threw up. That was enough. I put the lid on the smoothie and stuck it back in the fridge. I figured there’s no need to drink more thank I can handle anyway.

By the time I was “done” with lunch drink it was almost 4pm which left no time for my snack smoothie. After talking to my mom, who is also doing the detox, I decided I would save it for after dinner. Since it’s not a specific smoothie, I don’t think it matters where it lands in the sequence.

3 Day Detox Dinner Smoothie

I got home around 6:30 and made my dinner drink. I was excited about this one. I love blueberries and it didn’t have a lot of strong, overpowering flavors. I thought “This one should be great.” Hell if I was wrong. Everything seems so right with this smoothie and then there’s the cayenne. What. The. Hell. Admittedly I don’t like spicy things but, all I can taste is cayenne. You think you get a good sip and then *BAM* after taste of cayenne. Bloody hell. I drank about a quarter of the dinner smoothie and said to hell with it. I’m f-ing done with smoothies for the night.

I’m going to make a couple adjustments for tomorrow that will hopefully improve my experience. I already have the breakfast smoothie ready since that was supposed to be my snack but, that’s not happening. I’m going to do a few things for the lunch smoothie. First, I’m going to blend the celery as much as possible first, then add in the cucumber then the kale, then other ingredients. I’d rather get a chunk of apple then a chunk of anything else. Also, on the recommendation of my mom, I’m going to take the seeds and “mushy parts” out of the cucumber before blending. I really think this smoothie would be better done with the heftier items run through a juicer even though you would lose some of the fiber. Unfortunately, I won’t have a juicer until sometime tomorrow if UPS delivers it. Maybe I’ll get to try that for day three.

Since I’m over the smoothies for today I’m just going to drink my water and maybe a cup of detox tea (I’m skipping the detox bath for the 3 days) while trying to avoid theses lovelies which are still in my house from yesterdays dessert…

Butterscotch Bars with Homemade French Vanilla Ice Cream

Let’s hope I make it…

This is part one in a series of posts about my experience with the Dr. Oz 3 Day Detox. You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.

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